Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Rinse; Repeat

It's 4am and I am on the ferry to London. I just exchanged nine euros to pounds, oy vey, the exchange rate just sucks. I bought food at Katy's cheap grocery in Amsterdam, so those costs will definitely be covered while I am in London for these three days; however, I need English breakfast at least once, and a chip shop of course!

I was questioned at the UK border for what seemed to be 20 mins. I had no idea that doing travel writing was so risque in the eyes of border control authorities. It seems like hitch-hiking is the preferred mode of transportation for the travel writer in Europe; less hassles, more adventure.

The new plan has involved several cheap bus, train and plane tickets up Northern Europe. Once I am in London I have a host who seems very nice with another CSer. I am planning on attending a curry dinner to meet the London CS scene tomorrow night. I know not a soul in this city, as will be true for all my next travels until the Boom Festival.

Over the weekend I am going to visit Marc Read, favorite physics professor, high school advisor, and I am overjoyed at this prospect. We have been keeping in touch a bit, but of my own fault in my busy/non-business neglect of e-mails, especially good pen pals. Julia, my other European pen pal has not answered any of my e-mails so I am not sure if I will get to see her on this trip, unfortunately.

Marc lives in Newcastle-upon-Tyne and from there I am journeying up to Edinburgh, another exploration. On these solo routes, I believe more writing will be accomplished as well as some significant flaneury (all activities included).

I have to "go out and see Europe," but this is a journey no matter where I am. I lose myself, get scared, land on my feet, then repeat.

1 comment:

Lou Lou said...

You are fantastique. I cannot do what you are doing!