Monday, July 7, 2008

New Vocation

I am staying overnight in a gas station. We have a safe place to stay that is warm, not bad, they say, 24-hour security in actuality. I am charging my computer so we can have music or maybe I can play solitaire or something. I wish there were internet so I could Skype maybe.

I am hearing harsh French but I'm not scared. I know I will get through all of this and have greater tolerance and stamina, stretching my limits.

What did I come looking for? An adventure, something to write home about, my destiny, everything. I write and record my own experiences, expressions. My talent lies in communication, relaying those common emotions; I get a sense of the everyday. I see this right now. I can read Connie's eyes as if they are the most transparent glass. I can tell a relationship just by looking at two people together in a photo or real-life mannerisms. This is my talent. Now what do I do with it? I have described situations before, short fiction and such, but I've never relayed this as my "skill" or my "gift".

This is the beginning. I need to find my calling, but it begins here, at 23. Rediscovering in only two weeks is very exciting. I still don't know what this means for me, touch and go, go forth. 

I have so many tools, but invention and I can work on this most definitely. All ideas are just shots in the dark, guesses to get me excited about something. I want something to get excited about.

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