Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Amsterdam is becoming a blur; not exactly limbo, but close to it. Where am I exactly going next, with whom and why exactly? Over-run with 18 year old pot heads, this place is funny. We've made some weird friends, including Kevin who describes me as someone who "likes the little things in life." Where he got that impression I'm not quite sure. Anyhow this was a short visit and I didn't go to any museums, but again walked the entire city.

I wished for some actual people from Amsterdam to speak with, but I could find none at easy disposal. I suppose I did not go searching the streets, I just thought this would be more organic like the other cities.

I am not disappointed in Amsterdam, far from it. It was cold, rainy, easy to get lost, but the buildings were absolutely gorgeous and the parties were really a lot of fun.

I didn't feel so alien with the language, since everyone speaks English and Antwerp's trance culture breeds in this place as well. Amsterdam seems easy to inhabit, but not call home. Not inherently alien in the same way as NYC; no one is completely alone, even it if feels that way (in a lost meaning). Amsterdamned will be my next pilot for NBC, a story based on Katy's job and room at the hostel. I will be rich someday (unrelated rant).

No sleep right now, better luck next time. New favorite song: Beautiful Life by Gui Boratto.

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