Sunday, June 14, 2009

Girls get home at 3; Boys get home at 5

So I've been meaning to write this for the past few days and of course I always want to update my blog with something interesting and honest. Everyone who knows me well and probably the readers of this blog know what I am going through right now.

This blog has always been used for my personal anecdotes and ideas wherever I am. I am always honest and show the truth without compromising the potential of my dreams.

So right now I am still living in Brooklyn, but I am on the move. In fact, to Chinatown next month which I am more than excited about. I really, honestly never thought I would be able to afford that borough. Sad as it may be, Manhattan is not a place that people can live anymore. But I found a cheap place to call my home for a little while.

I have a couple of shows coming up in Bushwick and Queens. If you are a band and would be interested in playing, comment here and I will let you know what slots I have left.

In travel news, I can finally take vacation off from work, so if you have travel recommendations, also let me know. Janna suggested San Diego, and I was also thinking of going to LA to visit Melissa or Seattle to see Laura. I will be going somewhere. It's the summer, travel season.

I have much to look forward to, I really do. Get ready.

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