Friday, July 25, 2008


I have not had a chance to really get my bearings in Scotland yet. It hasn't been a wild crazy ride, but I am adjusting to having someone as my travel partner.

Right now I am in Cramond Village in suburban Edinburgh at the beach where there is much forrest. I climbed up a tree and I feel very relaxed. I'm not overwhelmed by this place, in fact I am politely content.

I feel a little stressed about finding couches because it is festival season but it is difficult writing these requests day in and day out. It exhausts me, CouchSurfing is real work. But I will land on my feet again because I have this bizarre good luck following me.

I miss New York and people back home. Ryan has reminded me of those and his thirst for adventure complicates mine. We are trying to get a balance, which is hard when both of you are used to being on your own.

I am feeling lackadaisical, swearing to myself that this was part of it all. I am feeling good, happy, content, ready, wondering, all the feelings you should have on an unchartered course. I thank CouchSurfing and my great friends for this.  I miss Connie and Aurora, but I will see them very soon, just as everyone in the States.

Let's not take ourselves so seriously and take a deep breath when we need it.

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