Friday, August 29, 2008


It's not really a travel bug; it's exploration. I'm never supposed to find what I'm looking for; just keep glancing around. I am now traveling to places I have been before: relaxing, visiting friends and family.

I used to be addicted to lemonade or perhaps I just drink too much and get overjoyed when I find some, and biking gives me a similar rush. But exploring has always been a passion of mine, curiously wondering and wandering about. I like to wander, collect my thoughts, walk aimlessly; it's a real joy.

Talking so much about CouchSurfing since I returned to the States has made me more than realize many aspects of that life that I just cannot live without. What if I fell back into a rut and needed to be pulled out? What if I was in mourning and could not escape? Well, honestly I know I would get out of it. I have every tool in the world to find my way, a simple path can guide the blindest.

I have used my problem-solving skills (read: good luck/wits) to get a free trip to Arizona. I could go on like this. "I am here for all your travel needs." I will get us all out of a bind and go wherever I am needed.

Right now I am with Laura, David and his girlfriend Tori. We made fun of David last night for being my bad first kiss and calling me so much that I had to "break up" our two-week "relationship" that he so fervently titled. Then one week later, or an illogical 14-year old girl's sense of respectable time, he started dating an ex-best friend of ours (Laura and me) named Sabrina. Many hilarious backstabbing high school friendships later (even though none of us went to the same school) we can all be friends again. Plus, Tori is fantastic. She is a sweet girl and extremely intelligent. We have similar skin tones and we both bruise easily. She has never been to the beach before and we're trying to show the best we can of beach time.

The water was great yesterday, not too freezing, then I layed on the sand and got a minimal tan. I'm having a good time, feeling at peace.

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