Tuesday, June 24, 2008

So I bought a notebook...

I started writing in my notebook that I got from a store in my host's neighborhood and I started writing down thoughts of the day as I was on the Métro back to her place tonight. I wanted to elaborate on how I am in Paris and everything around me, a journey in general.

I am in Paris today and yesterday and I am in search of a culture or identity to grasp hold of. What will I write down, document in another manner or experience on my own? I fear to be alone completely and I do not listen to music here for fear of being further alienated.

I have a game that I play where I am on the Métro and I can spot every American. I know the look; I am the look. I am an outsider. This is a game, yet I continue to play and flirt with this ideology.

Nothing is wrong, I am not wrong, Luke says to me today when we (including his friend David) speak about learning language and every language. You have an idea and you must go for it. Be clear and precise and show your idea. In essence, streamline communication into these ideas and responses. Let's have a conversation.

Journeys are useful and Luke commends me for mine. He is also alone and alien here, but he has many advantages over me as an excited student of France. "You realize your dream in Paris, and you make it a reality in New York." Maybe.

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