Friday, June 27, 2008

New Host

So I moved to a new host in Paris where I don't have Internet, but I am borrowing his computer to do some housekeeping. It's incredibly difficult to type on these keyboards. Everything is switched but it's okay and I adapt, correcting my mistakes.

Wednesday: was my final day of jetlag and I decided that I would actually start filming and going to museums finally. Right now I am sitting at a cafè near Alex's apartment. It is something like 5pm and I am only getting my eggs and coffee now, but there is something so great about this lazy feeling that's come over me.

Across from me are phone stores and restaurants; both of which I try to avoid in order to save those precious euros for my livelihood and travel. Trying to save money, I have been cooking food with Alex and Luke, but today laziness takes hold of me and I am doing as I choose without any sort of consequences. I have also strayed from my coffee diet and food diet of sorts, c'est la vie.

Today's thoughts: I am at a new host and having a great time. We watched "Vertigo" last night after I got home from my Polyglot meeting with Luke. My new host, Jeremy is great; easy-going, very knowledgeable, confident in his own values yet he seems very open and non-judgemental.

By the way, I miss you!


Unknown said...

what are you guys cooking? yum yum.. food is fun
damn this EURO situation..

america is back to being a colony

sending you a big hug:>)

Unknown said...

what are you guys cooking? yum yum.. food is fun
damn this EURO situation..

america is back to being a colony

sending you a big hug:>)

gittel said...

my dad is in Paris now you should totally email him :p him and the girlfriend got engaged